SpongeBob dies

You will never believe this, but it's real, I tell you. I was an intern at Nickelodeon Studios when I found this tape. It said "$p0|\|93b0b /\/\1$$1|\|9 3p1$0d3 d0|\|'7 \/\/47(|-|" I had no idea what it meant, but I took it home anyway.
When I started the episode, the theme song was too loud, my speakers sizzled. Then the episode started. It was called "SpongeBob Dies" I watched it. It started with SpongeBob watching his favorite television show. Then Patrick knocked at his door. When he opened it I knew something was off. His eyes were hyper-realistic. SpongeBob laughed at Patrick. Patrick cried "666" and turned into EVIL PATRIXXX! He killed SpongeBob, and he said "SpongeBob dies" The screen turned to static.
I popped the tape out if the projecter. I liked it. But, sadly, I am now dead. The end.